Covid19 - Updates - 14/05/2020
Due to the current situation with COVID19, Petrek staff will be limited but key staff will be working from home strictly for dispatching orders via courier services. A technician will be on-call from home while faulty items will need to be sent by post directly. If you have a fault or question with a tracker send us a message and we will carry on our usual routine and solve the query accordingly.
We apologise for any inconvenience during this time of uncertainty but we can only do our part to help minimise the spread of COVID19 where possible. This means our responses might be a bit slower than usual but we will still carry on making sure our services are ongoing for our customers.
You can still order online and expect them to be dispatched within a few working days.
As we are now in level 2 we have decided to keep going with the work from home scheme but business will still operate as normal. All our stock will be kept at a warehouse and dispatched with minimal human contact.
Thank you and keep safe!
-The Petrek Team